To support feature film and television writers in our community as they stand for fair pay and protections in the workplace, recognizing that this action may result in financial hardship for writers and their families, Humanitas is distributing grocery store gift cards to current WGA writers in need.
These cards have been made possible by our generous donors since the start of the 2023 WGA Writers Strike.
Thank You To Our Donors
Since launching on May 8, 2023, Humanitas has received over
1,700 individual donations for Groceries for Writers.
Donors hail from 49 states, Washington D.C., and the Marshall Islands. International donations have come in from 29 countries across the globe, spanning both hemispheres.
Anonymous (127)
A supporter from the UK
Jordyn Alger
Nick Antosca
Hannah Arcelo
Therese Arkenberg
Emily Aubuchon
Robert Axelrod
Leela B.
Marley Bareis
Richard Barlow
Lily Baron
Margaret Bateman
Laurie Baughman
Scott Beck
Patricia Becker-Spellman
Dustin Berger
Zita Berger
Lynn Berkeley-Krantz
Jill and Howard Berman
Laura Beveridge
Jenny Bicks
Gemma Birnbaum
Katelyn Bleiweiss
Rick and Vickie Bligh
Andra Ecaterina Boca
Erin Bodhi
Latina Bohemian
Marie Böhm
Christopher Boucher
Elizabeth Boyer
Sandra Brandser
LeAnn Brazeal
Shane Brennan
Charlotte Brewster
Jessica Broder
Taffy Brodesser-Akner
Jay Bullock
Lucy Burke
Kiersi Burkhart
Burns the Attorney, Inc.
Debora Cahn
Brandon Camp
Kat Candler
Craig Carlisle and Sonya Rokes Carlisle
Cathie Carroll
Cartoons by Andie
D Casellian
Imogen Cassidy
Marissa Jo Cerar
Saundra Charleston
Justin Chen
G. Chesler
Jared Chiang-Zeizel
Priyanka Chopra
Cindy Chupack
Isabel Church
Eliza Clark
S. Cobbs
John P. Connolly
Martina Corsetti
Carter Covington and Sean Smith
Stephanie Cullen
Kylie Dalton
Pamela Dayton
Noelia de la Cruz
Léna Delval
Fr. Frank Desiderio, CSP
Devine-D’Amico Family
John Doble
Olivea Dodson
Sarah Doggett
Beatrice Domino
Roy Donk
Ada, Jill & Phillip Doraxtet
Walton Dornisch
Joseph Dougherty
Nelson Downend
Rachel Doyle
Diane Drake
Erika Dreyer
Bill Dubuque
Laura Duerr
Jasper Duval
Brandon Easton
Abby E.
Ese Egi
C.J. Ehrlich
Genevieve Elazier-Harris
Extracurricular Productions
Sarah Fairfull
Faith Productions
Caroline Feindel
Christopher Fell
Keri Ferencz
Christin Finch
April Fitzsimmons
Ayanna Floyd
Matthew Fogel
Diana Foronda
Carol Franke
Eric Friedman
Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Jaclyn Fry
Marilyn Fu
Alex Gansa
Greg Garcia
Joanna Gaskin
Emma Gentry
Anya Godigamuwe
Lauren Goodman
Dominique Grant
Jennifer Greeson
Daryl Gregory
Jessica Guard
Jackie Guelker
Laura Han
Laura Hankin
Brigitte and Hart Hanson
Bethany Hart
Amy Hay
James Hefel
Chip and Jessica Helms
Katherine Hempel
Kristy Henscheid
Marshall Herskovitz
Katarina Hjärpe
Melissa Hoffman
Bryan Holdman
Debra Holland
Ellen Holly
Winnie Holzman and Paul Dooley
Walter Hopgood
Naomi Howard
Teresa Huang
Hunter Hughes
Keurim Hur
David E. Van Iderstine, Jr.
Joyce Ikemi
In honor of Joseph
Brad Ingelsby
Ritt J
Katie Jackson
Sarah Jackson
Laura Jacqmin
Christopher Jeske
Chithra Jeyaram
John N. Calley Foundation
Camille M Johnson
Jacque Jones
Ann Jordan
Edison Juniper
Jennifer Justman
Melissa Kelley
Priya Khokher
Sara Kiener
Catherine Kim
Tieler King
Rick Kinnebrew
Jen Kirkman
Maia Kobabe
Sinje Kowalewski
Jon Krampner
Anna Kuipers
Nicholas Kujawski
Polly Kummel
Lee Ann and Alex Kurr
Nathan La Porte
Deb Lacusta and Dan Castellaneta
C.M. Landrus
Kasey Lansing
Kayleigh Lariviere
Leslee Larner
Maya Lavi
M. Lawler
Leah LeBrun
Allison Lee
Lee Sung Jin
Meg LeFauve and Joe Forte
Dennis Lehane
Steffanie Lenz
Meghan Leon
Kristina Levitt
Niceole Levy
Diana Lewis
Jennifer Lewis
Linton Lewis
Barn-Yen Li
Aurelia Lieb
Iduna Liebminger
Gabe Liedman
Alicia Ligety
Alice Lin
M. Liu
Will Long
Damon Lindelof
Rob Lotterstein
Margaret Lucas
Rick J. Lucas
Kit Lyall
Raye Lyons
Ezekiel M
Julia Maddox
Zoe Marshall
Donna Martin
Reed Mauzy
David McCarrick
Kieran McCarthy
Bill McGrath
Sparrow McKinney
Kelly Melissa
Carol Mendelsohn
Elizabeth Meriwether
MetaMorphic Entertainment
Lorrie Meyer
Emilie Michel
Arika Lisanne Mittman
MaryKate Moran
Georgia Morgan
Zachary Morris
Ruth Morrison
Madison Moss
Elena Moursund
Sharon Mozgai
Jessica Mueller
Lydia Mulvey
The Muriel Pollia Foundation
MPAC Foundation on behalf of the MPAC Hollywood Bureau
Catherine Myers
Christa Nilsen
Daniella Nissen
Alison O'Connell
Oh, It's The Other Thing
Alex Olivares
Karen Olivarra
Meghan Olmsted
Erica Olson
The Outwords Archive
Katherine Oyegun
Barbara Owens
Mrs. P
Jamie Pachino
Miranda Parady
Skylar Parker
Gwen Pedersen
Søren Høeg Pedersen
Lee Ann Perez
Gina Pesapane
Christina Piña
Daniella Pizzurro
Charlotte Platt
Danya Pollack
Clayton Porter
Courtney Potter
Emily Pratt
Laura Preble
Dani R.
Wendy Radford
Kirthana Ramisetti
Peter Ramsey
Kazuko Rance
Aspen Randall
Nicole Rapatan
Amanda Reed
Christopher Reiche
Zoe Reiniger
Rebecca Reuter
Shonda Rhimes
Pamela Ribon
Alex Rice
Samantha Rich
Christina Richtsfeld
Nicole Rosenleaf Ritter
Amanda Rivera
Matthew Roberts
Lin Rogers
Luna Rodriguez
Mark Rosner
Lilliana Rubio
Dante Russo
Danielle Sanchez-Witzel
John Sandberg
Anna Sandor
Michelle Santoso
Jude Schirf
David Schlow
Alicia Schofield
Sara Scopigno
Jenna Scott
Mark Seiler
Lileana Sethares
Dylan Shane
Amanda Sharkey
Julius Sharpe
David Shore
Lacey Shreffler
Aimee Silver
Minda Silvestre
Josh Singer
Colleen Smith/Friday Jones Publishing
Lisa Michele Smith
Snap Foundation
Kira Snyder
Kelly Sparks
Six Spear
Kathy Speer and Terry Grossman
In honor of Ruby Rae Spiegel
Smrithi Srikanthan
Hann Stanton
K. "Cy" Stauffer
Erika Green Swafford
Milena Szafran
Bob Therieau
Megan Thimmesch
Andrea Thompson
Maitland Thompson
Edwyn Tiong
Sherill Tippins
Aaron Rahsaan Thomas
Paul Thureen
Dino Toms
Jib Tran
Irene Turner
Erin Urbank
Birgit Van der Linden
Beau van der Meulen
Kalinda Vazquez
Patric M. Verrone
Robyn W
Ashyia Wainright
Victoria Walker
Eric Wallace
Jennifer Wardell
Jenna-Marie Warnecke
Jason Waters
Jennifer Wehner
Jessica Whittenburg
Carolyn Wilborn
Sandra Willard
Brandon Williams
Michelle Wirth
Micah Wittlake
Writers Drinking Coffee
Writers Rule NJ
Sabrina Wu
Alex Yamada
Alyssa Yang
Frances Yasprica
Yes, Norman Productions
Amy Young
Sarah Young
Catherine Youngblood
Julia Zelman
Janae Zhang
Kieryn Ziegler
And to all of our other donors and supporters
who have helped spread the word about this resource.
The Groceries for Writers donor list will continue to update as Humanitas receives further donations.
Special Thanks
Greg Garcia
John N. Calley Foundation
Nick Antosca
Robert Axelrod
Laurie Baughman
Jenny Bicks
Shane Brennan
Cindy Chupack
Carter Covington and Sean Smith
Charles Day
The Discussing Film Community
John Doble
Bill Dubuque
April Fitzsimmons
Brigitte and Hart Hanson
Marshall Herskovitz
Winnie Holzman
Brad Ingelsby
Erika Kennair
Dennis Lehane
Damon Lindelof
Rob Lotterstein
Julia Maddox
Carol Mendelsohn
The Muriel Pollia Foundation
MPAC Foundation on behalf of the MPAC Hollywood Bureau
Shonda Rhimes
Pamela Ribon
David Shore
Snap Foundation
Irene Turner
Patric M. Verrone
Sandra Willard
Listing as of December 31, 2024